”…Whatever is noble…, - think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
In a negative sense, some noble people have their heads stuck in the clouds and think some things are beneath them. This was seen by the Nobles of Tekoa, who, ‘would not put their shoulders to the work’ of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. dirty work was beneath their lofty position. In a positive sense, the noble Eagle soars high in the sky - everything is beneath them. Like Eagles, our thought life is to be of such high (noble) character that what is filthy, unbecoming or inappropriate is beneath us. Now this doesn’t mean we think we are above other people, it only means we have elevated how we think, and therefore, live…
”The noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand.” Isaiah 32:8
In order for the noble to make noble plans (true, honest, wholesome), they must think noble thoughts - all plans begin in the mind. What makes their plans noble is they carry them out. This has a positive affect on their own life and the lives of others, and why they are admired. A truly noble person has the highest character and integrity. They care about the welfare of others, even if it is of no benefit to themselves. The noble are generous in regards to their time, talents and treasures - all of which their noble plans reflect. They think a lot like Jesus, who was the most noble person to ever live.
”…Be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” II Timothy 2:20-21
All people are not alike. Some are gold or silver (noble), others are of wood or clay (ignoble). The ignoble are shameful, immoral, or even reprehensible in the way they think and live their lives. This is not who we are. The noble minded think and live on a higher plane and they also elevate others. They are above the fray (nonsense and noise) of the ‘ignoble’ of the world. Because God’s Word is exalted above all things (Psalm 138:2), when our thoughts are aligned with His, it helps us to think better, make wiser decisions and live at a higher level.
