One of the most iconic movies scenes of all time is the scream of William Wallace (‘freedom!’) This is the desire of all humanity. President Lincoln said the Civil War started out as a battle between States Rights and preserving the union, but what it became was a war for a new freedom - four million emancipated slaves. What these both teach us today is freedom is never free - it is a battle for each individual. True freedom is not an external right provided by our governments. It is an internal gift given to us by our God. His freedom happens in our hearts and minds when we…
”It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
Most people do not want to go to hell, they just don’t mind if they live a little like it. Christianity is like going up a down escalator - everything is pulling against us. What pulls against is: our own sinful nature; everyone else’s sinful nature; our ‘Anti-Christ’ culture; busyness (other) and of course, our hurts and offenses. But Jesus made us free when He gave us new life. What is needed is for us to stand firm and not allow us to be enslaved (burdened and yoked) by all that enslaves. With all that pulls us away from Christ, we must really want to serve Him in order to succeed. Standing firm is possible, as long as we stay connected to Jesus through His word, prayer and others.
”If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
Most Americans believe they are free. But factor in substance abuse (drugs, alcohol, porn), debt, out of control spending, work, our hectic lifestyles - now tell me, who is truly free? Then mix in a little hatred, anger, envy, bitterness and frustration, and I’d say, ‘very few’. Jesus said freedom comes if we hold to His teaching. Then we will know the truth and be set free. To have discipline we must be a ‘disciple’ (to follow another) of Jesus. But to follow another requires us to be humble, accept and obey. It is in doing what we need to do that we will gain freedom.
