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February Newsletter


Joani reminded me about a thing we were doing for the church some 10 plus years ago. This reminder came because of some of the things we have been facing with our building, finances and assets at The Foothills. She said, "Remember when we use to pray at three in the afternoon everyday and then got the church involved in praying with us?" Immediately we looked at each other and said, "We need to start this again."

The whole idea about three in the afternoon came from Acts chapter 10. Luke writes that Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, was in prayer at three in the afternoon, when he had a vision from an Angel who told him that his prayers have come up before God (Acts 10:1-6). When I read this passage several years earlier, I was taken back that Cornelius' prayers had come up before God (Acts 10:4).

Man, how I want my prayers to come up before God, as Cornelius' did, and for God to send me an answer as well. I do believe God will, because God answers prayer, if we will pray.

Before I tell you what I believe to be a Word from the Lord for our church, I want to state that I do not believe in magic numbers or simple formulas for seeing God move in our church. God is about relationship, and not religion. Often times we humans boil things down to rules and regulations ignoring the more important things like simply walking with God through a process. So in saying all that, this Word from God is for us to focus on the process of knowing Him and then seeing His miraculous, going to great lengths, touch of the Almighty God in our lives. If we allow this Word to sharpen and shape us it will bear much positive fruit in our lives. If not, then we will be attempting just another formula to get God to do something great and wonderful for us, which is very short-sighted and self-centered.

The Word God gave me was, "Pray at 3 p.m." What I believe God is asking Joani and me is to stop whatever we are doing at three in the afternoon just to pray. As I stated, I don't believe there is anything ''magical' relating to the time of 3 p.m. - it is simply a time to remind us to set aside our busy schedules and lives to pray, just like Cornelius.

For the past days, this is exactly what Joani and I have been doing. Wherever or whatever we are doing, however we feel, and whomever we are with, we stop and pray. Typically, we pray for a few moments, but others times we find ourselves drawn into spending more time with the Lord. The focus of our prayers are not about self, it is for others - YOU in particular. I am seeking God for your marriages, children, businesses and occupations, your health and finances, for your protection and welfare and for the effectiveness of our church and staff. Naturally, I am also praying for our church's building, finances and assets to be restored. Honestly, right now, this is usually my first prayer.

So get ready church! More and more of us will be praying for you at 3 p.m. and it won't be long before hundreds are calling out the Lord at 3 p.m.

What about you? Will you join us? Now remember it is not about the time, but taking the time. If you forget at three, pray at ten after or whenever. The point is, to take the time to seek God's face in the middle of your day.

Pray with us at 3 p.m. and let's see our prayers come before the Lord.

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