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July Newsletter


A couple weeks ago, Joani and I met our "Dots", Jillian and our two grandkids, Noah and Ava, at a dairy farm in San Martin. There is something about cows you just got to love. Everywhere around the farm that we walked, the cows followed us. Well, I believe they were following me. I've never felt so popular. Jillian argued that they followed us because they wanted food. I inwardly knew the cows really like me and that's why they followed me - but hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

One of the things we did at the end of our tour of the cows (the ones that really liked me) was to go into the little store at the dairy. They had a variety of products and the prices listed above them. The interesting thing was there was no one there to help you, just the products, and the prices. Oh, and there was a sign above a bucket next to the refrigerators that said, "Honor System." Upon seeing the sign I was immediately taken back to my Jr. High School days. I felt a little twinge of guilt.

I'm ashamed to admit to you that during my Jr. High days back in the 70's, there was a dairy on the road we walked home from school on. The little dairy store had a very similar sign by a bucket that read 'Honor System". On more than one occasion, I would pass by the Dairy and grab a pint of milk and act like I put something in the bucket. I know, I know, not very honorable. My parents raised me better. But I was a dumb kid and obviously a bit of a thief - thanks be to God for His mercy, grace, and forgiveness.

While traveling in Oregon last month, Joani and I went past the place where the dairy farm once stood. I wish it was still there because I would have found the owners and said, "Here's a couple hundred bucks for the years 1973-1974". But with customers like me, it was no surprise they were out of business.

God has an "Honor System" sign of sorts, over His business. Oh, and it is ALL HIS business, as Psalm 24:1 says, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." His "Honor System" sign is written in Proverbs 3:9-10 where Solomon says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first-fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."

We have all, by God, been given the "ability to produce wealth", as Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 8:18, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant..." Notice how Moses begins this verse with, "BUT REMEMBER THE LORD YOUR GOD". So, everything is God's and He gives us the ability to produce wealth. All He wants is for us to HONOR HIM with what He gives.

If I ran a business I don't think I would use an honor system form of payment. God can because He doesn't need our money - He just wants to know if we will HONOR HIM with His blessings! This is what I choose to do!

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